In the autumn of 1806 they received an addition in a gentleman called John Segundus. At the first meeting that he attended Mr Segundus rose and addressed the society. He began by complimenting the gentlemen upon their distinguished history; he listed the many celebrated magicians and historians that had at one time or another belonged to the York society. He hinted that it had been no small inducement to him in coming to York to know of the existence of such a society. читать дальше
best: name, name, name, name
In the autumn of 1806 they received an addition in a gentleman called John Segundus. At the first meeting that he attended Mr Segundus rose and addressed the society. He began by complimenting the gentlemen upon their distinguished history; he listed the many celebrated magicians and historians that had at one time or another belonged to the York society. He hinted that it had been no small inducement to him in coming to York to know of the existence of such a society.


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She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged. These twelve are what’s out there, maybe the one you have is a second volume of something?” She hands Zachary the printed list of titles and authors and call numbers.

She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged. These twelve are what’s out there, maybe the one you have is a second volume of something?” She hands Zachary the printed list of titles and authors and call numbers.

She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged. These twelve are what’s out there, maybe the one you have is a second volume of something?” She hands Zachary the printed list of titles and authors and call numbers.

ссылка, а тут жирный, а тут обычный, зачеркнутый

тут текст

She clicks again and the ancient printer next to the desk whirs to life. “As far as I can tell there were more books in the original donation, it’s possible that they were too fragile for circulation or damaged.










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<div id="zag">Добро пожаловать в мистическую Швейцарию, в городок под названием <z>Тун</z>!</div>
<div id="podzag">2023 год, эпизодическая система, nc-21</div>

<div id="textt"><b>Dragon Song: Revival of the Legend</b> - место, где каждый сможет реализовать свои самые смелые фантазии, зарядиться приятной энергией и отдохнуть.

В современном мире, бок-о-бок с людьми, скрывая свои истинные сущности, живут существа, во много раз совершеннее. Люди слагали о них легенды, сказки, и сегодня мало кто верит в то, что эти сущности существуют на самом деле. А тем временем маги, сирены, фамильяры, наги и другие существа обитают рядом с простыми людьми.
Главное правило в мистической стороне мира - не выдавать свою сущность людям. Однако остальное ведь - не запрещено. Так почему бы не поиграть на искушениях и слабостях людей и других сущностей? Но и без этого люди стремятся к тому, что запрещено и что кажется неизвестным.

<b>Игровые расы:</b> оборотни, суккубы и инкубы, жнецы и адские псы, наги, сирены и тритоны, маги, фамильяры, люди (видящие), нефилимы.
<b>PS:</b> Ограничение по регистрации Жнецов: Жнецов, доступных к регистрации: 6. 1 - главный и 5 - косвенных (как число углов пентаграммы).

<div id="textt2">
- для <b>гостей </b>желаемая внешность держится <b>4 дня</b> с учетом дня придержания. <br>- для <b>зарегистрированных</b> профилей внешность держится <b>6 дней</b> с учетом дня придержания. Если не успеваете написать анкету, можно попросить в гостевой продлить придержание. <em class="bbuline">Максимальное кол-во продления придержания:</em> <b>2 раза по 3 дня</b>.

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<zagol>Выдержка из досье <span> Цитата In the autumn of 1806 they received an addition in a gentleman called John Segundus.</span>

<text>In the autumn of 1806 they received an addition in a gentleman called John Segundus. At the first meeting that he attended Mr Segundus rose and addressed the society. He began by complimenting the gentlemen upon their distinguished history; he listed the many celebrated magicians and historians that had at one time or another belonged to the York society. He hinted that it had been no small inducement to him in coming to York to know of the existence of such a society. In the autumn of 1806 they received an addition in a gentleman called John Segundus. At the first meeting that he attended Mr Segundus rose and addressed the society. He began by complimenting the gentlemen upon their distinguished history; he listed the many celebrated magicians and historians that had at one time or another belonged to the York society. He hinted that it had been no small inducement to him in coming to York to know of the existence of such a society. In the autumn of 1806 they received an addition in a gentleman called John Segundus. At the first meeting that he attended Mr Segundus rose and addressed the society. He began by complimenting the gentlemen upon their distinguished history; he listed the many celebrated magicians and historians that had at one time or another belonged to the York society. He hinted that it had been no small inducement to him in coming to York to know of the existence of such a society. In the autumn of 1806 they received an addition in a gentleman called John Segundus. At the first meeting that he attended Mr Segundus rose and addressed the society. He began by complimenting the gentlemen upon their distinguished history; he listed the many celebrated magicians and historians that had at one time or another belonged to the York society. He hinted that it had been no small inducement to him in coming to York to know of the existence of such a society. In the autumn of 1806 they received an addition in a gentleman called John Segundus. At the first meeting that he attended Mr Segundus rose and addressed the society. He began by complimenting the gentlemen upon their distinguished history; he listed the many celebrated magicians and historians that had at one time or another belonged to the York society. He hinted that it had been no small inducement to him in coming to York to know of the existence of such a society.</text>

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